The team over at Promobricks have been lucky enough to find the new LEGO Harry Potter Series 2 CMF out in the wild.
They have scanned the insert which accompanies it and shared it with us. It lists all the Minifigures on one side and a few of the harder to construct oes on the reverse.

Check sheet
This in turn confirms which characters will appear in the series:
- Harry Potter with the Book of Potions (from the Half-Blood Prince)
- Albus Dumbledore with his phoenix Fawkes
- Hermione Granger with a Butterbeer Glass
- Ron Weasley with a Butterbeer Glass
- Luna “Loony” Lovegood with a lion head
- Griphook with sword from Godric Gryffindor and key
- Lily Potter with baby Harry
- James Potter with portrait
- Ginny Weasley with a chocolate ice cream bowl
- Fred Weasley with hat and joke case
- George Weasley with Marauder’s Map
- Bellatrix Lestrange in Azkaban outfit with prisoner sign and handcuffs
- Kingsley Shacklebolt with flying whisk
- Moaning Myrtle with Tom Riddle’s Diary
- Professor Pomona Sprout with mandrake and flower pot
- Neville Longbottom with Book of Monsters

Official release is 1st September, but as always do keep an eye open for retailers that put stock out earlier.
Feeling the bags may still be hindered as the Coronavirus pandemic still persists, please be safe!
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