Social media is filled with exciting activities to take part in, from building MOCs and Mosaics to photography and more. Today we’re going to look at some of the Minifigure centric hashtags, what they involve and when they’re hosted.
Our senior editor, Patrick, often rounds up the months build challenges in a handy list, so I thought it would be a great idea to do the same with Minifigure based activities. So, grab your bag of Minifigures and your Sigfig and let’s dive in!
Each hashtag has at least two things in common, they happen weekly on the day in the title and they each require you to use the hashtag and tag the hosts. Others may require more so please head over to their accounts for more details. Clicking each hashtag title and the hosts names will take you to their Instagram accounts.
Jump to a day:
This hashtag is run by @brick_beat and shared here on the website. You can read more about it I using the year it released, piece count and more. Mark (host) loves his Minifigures and shows them off in a weekly post. You can get involved too by sharing yours every Monday, don’t forget to tag him and use the hashtag.
@boombrickz – @superhero_bricks
Kicking of with a relatively new comer, this hashtag has fast become a weekly staple. As you can probably guess it focuses on LEGO Marvel and asks you to grab a Marvel Minifigure (or set) and photograph it. Most people like to pop a Superhero Minifigure in a scene and add a short story to it.
@virginia_bricks – @johnbtoys – @brick_beat
Whenever the word Mosaic is uttered you may think of one particular person in the LEGO community and you’d be right for doing so. @Virginia_Bricks is one of the hosts behind the incredible #MosaicsOnMonday activity. Although #MinifigMosaic is an off-shoot of it, the theme does focus on Minifigures. If you’re struggling with inspiration for a Mosaic, then grabbing a Minifigure may give you that much needed spark, hence #MinifigMosaic. It’s not limited to just Mondays either, you can post any day or the week.
Another simple yet awesome hashtag to do is hosted by @thebrickbabe. Grab a Minifigure, grab and Mug, take a photo and post. There are quite a few LEGO mugs & cups to choose from so mix it up.
Is hashtag gets you out & about, as the main pull for this activity is being outdoors. As a LEGO fan myself I’m often couped-up inside building, so at least once a week it’s nice to get out and snap some pictures. It’s open to any theme and Minifigure so have fun with it!
@kt_and_lego – @holybrickstuds @brickinintheusa
Do you have a LEGO Tuk Tuk? Pose your Sigfig, or any other Minifigure, with it and take a photo, post it on Tuesday, done! The hosts and the many partakers have great fun creating scenes focused around the LEGO Tuk Tuk set and MOCs.
@thebrickpost – @brick_beat – @virginia_bricks
#SigfigScene has been going for awhile now and is hosted myself here at The Brick Post along with two good friends, @brick_beat & @virginia_bricks. It’s a single concept, make a LEGO representation of yourself, pop into a brick-built scene (set or MOC), take a photo, share on social media using #SigfigScene, collaborate with @sigfigscene on Instagram and tag the hosts. The first Wednesday in every month is themed, so follow us to stay up-to-date.
@reddsbricks – @angela_thebrickjedi – @brixish
This is a new one for me personally but it looks great fun. The premise is simple with a new the every month, January is ‘What makes you happy‘. Although it’s not Minifigure exclusive, the majority or entries do focus on a character. It happens every Thursday and with a theme so broad you can really get stuck into it and use your imagination to create something heartfelt, cool, whacky, or highlighting a message.
This is a fairly new hashtag to the list and is a great idea. It asks you to snap a photo of your Sigfig with a Friend. It’s a nice way to show appreciation to someone that has helped or been there for you, makes you laugh or just a good friend.
@brickmcbricksworth – @lets_brick_it
This is dedicated to LEGO Star Wars, if you hadn’t of guessed already. I like this one as I personally like putting characters in random or unlikely situations. Others pop their Minifigures in a Star Wars set and recreate a scene from the movies/TV shows. Whatever floats your boat, this is a great activity to take part in.
@inappropriatepiratebricks – @adrian_c308 – @lego_dad_and_the_kids
As the title suggests, it’s Hat themed and asks you to snap your Sigfig or other Minifigure with a Hat on. I love this activity as I usually go over the top with it and do something bonkers. I’ve come to realise that I need more LEGO Hats in my arsenal!
This hashtag is very imaginative and the premise is simple – grab any two Minifigures and swap their bodies! The outcomes are often hilarious and make for some cool, whacky and unexpected combinations. Give it a go, which Minifigures will you choose?
We hope this list serves you well, it makes for an awesome week’s worth of activities, content and most importantly FUN. Please check back regularly as we will be updating it with new activities.
If we’ve missed any Minifigure centric hashtags off the list or you have one you’d like considered for the list please get in contact with us via Instagram.
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