The FunWhole line of sets is an interesting one to say the least, so far we’ve had quite an eclectic mix of buildings in their Town Life, Street Fusion and now Road Trip themes. This makes for a very diverse Cityscape in terms of shops and living areas, especially the new Twilight Motel – it gives the figures of your City somewhere to spend a night or two outside of their home. It also adds something different to the lineup and it’s a nice change from the ‘norm’. Here is my review of the FunWhole Twilight Motel (F9054)!
If you like our review and would love to own the FunWhole Twilight Motel (F9054) set for yourself we can help sweeten the deal by offering you a code to get 10% off your order. Use our affiliate link here and enter the code THEBRICKPOST during checkout.
The Box & Contents:
As usual, the boxes FunWhole use are very strong and have a premium feel, this also goes for the design and printing. On the front is the Twilight Motel itself front & centre, showing off the building, car & figures and of course the lights, which come as standard. The background is of a rocky mountain line, just like you’d see if on a road trip across America.
Inside the box you’ll find 11 numbered bags, 2 instruction manuals, plates and a bright orange box which contain the lights and battery packs. We like to dedicate a section of review to the lights so more on them later.
Inside the orange box are 3 bags with lights inside, a battery pack, tweezers and a small screwdriver. The pack takes 3 AA batteries, so make sure you have some to hand when testing your lights, as suggested in the first pages of the manual you should always make sure they function. I should really follow this advise myself as a cable was damaged when I came to bag 8, halting the entire build for a couple of weeks. Thanks to the quick replacement service by FunWhole, the new cable was delivered fast and
The Build:
This set is a beast, it sits on a baseplate and a half and covers every stud of it. The first few of bags make up the tiled floor and a good section of the ground floor, the bar area is a nice touch and comprises of awesome side-builds. The bar itself, a pool table, dart board and jukebox are all present and look great in brick-built form. FunWhole have outdone themselves here, I can’t wait to take some photos of my Sigfig (Minifigure) playing pool and sat at the bar!
The colour scheme is good too, with a dark nougat ground floor and an offer white top floor, the colours match nicely and work well together – couple that with the sand green roof and you have a lovely Motel.
A handful of bags more and you really start to see this set come to life. The floor above are the Motel rooms, one is standard and the other one is premium, you can tell by the sign near the ground floor entrance or by the rooms interior, one is a little less desirable than the other. The TVs in both rooms are nice small builds and the beds use different techniques – there is one thing they have in common, showers and curtains, which are made of fabric, a nice touch I must say.
The last part of the Motel you build is the roof section, where the smaller sign sits and a group of antennas. There isn’t much going on here but the colour scheme is nice, one of my favourite brick colours in fact, sand green.
The final bag, 11, is the palm tree and vehicle, which happens to have its own lights and power source. The car is a traditional American shape with the long body and large wheel arches, I’m not a car guy but I definitely recognise it and being 70s style. The dark red colour is a great choice, coupled with the silver chrome accents. The smaller and thinner battery pack is neatly tucked away under the car, this let’s it be a standalone asset to the set itself and without having a cable connecting them.
The same can be said for the battery pack which powers the Motel, just like other FunWhole sets it’s tucked away around the back, perfect for if you have limited space. It needs a slightly beefier power source to keep the many lights bright and sparkling. With the lights in the bar area, each bedroom has a wall light, the two LEDs that run through the clear tubing and the big Motel sign.
A part cool part of the set is the big sign, that is comprised of many bigger bricks, including one I’ve not seen before, an almost arrow shaped one. There are a few of these sloped bricks throughout this portion of the set and they all help to create the iconic, big, somewhat ugly, sign.
Cables are thread through holds, along channels and back to the main set. These power the larger acrylic panels, which we’ve seen before in the Cyberpunk Apartment (F9042) modular. These are awesome parts and when powered, light up amazingly well, shining brightly over the Motel. It’s hard to capture in photos but truste when I say it’s an impressive build when the lights are switched on!
The Lights:
We’ve mentioned how the lights look but how to install the is another question entirely, luckily the instructions run you the the process and with incredible ease. Each LED and cable are precisely placed and run along channels in the specialist bricks.
In many of our other FunWhole reviews are praise the bricks used for cables and lights and this hasn’t changed in this review. Using GoBricks, a brick producer, as a base is a great choice by FunWhole and one which has made them a competitor in the block building game. They make top quality bricks that revival even the leading brand, don’t believe us? Try them for yourself before judging, you won’t be disappointed.
Each light has a plug, they connect to either a joiner or to the main box that is powered by the battery pack. They can be fiddly but rest assured the tweezers save the day in most cases – I have quite large hands and handling these fltiny elements are sometimes troublesome but they are more resilient than you think, although I would be too rough with them.
The lights definitely add life to the set, not that without them the Motel is lifeless, quite the opposite in fact. As the FunWhole slogan goes, a ‘Delight Day and Night‘!
The Figures:
The Figures are good but again they need to be fully assembled, this isn’t a life or death thing but when it comes to small and fiddly parts such as hands can become annoying after the first couple of figures. I’m not fully on board with FunWhole’s figures yet but with each set they are slowly growing on me.
Included in the line up are 2 Motel staff and 3 guests, one of which looks like he’s just stepped out of a portal from the future and needs your jacket, trousers and shades.
Chick this all together and you have a very good set, in fact I’ll go one further and say this is a fantastic set! It’s a building the leading brand would never do, so FunWhole to the rescue!
If you liked our review and would love to own the FunWhole Twilight Motel (F9054) set for yourself we can help sweeten the deal by offering you a code to get 10% off your order. Use our affiliate link here and enter the code THEBRICKPOST during checkout.
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FunWhole Twilight Motel (F9054)
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